Upcoming Dates

 Saturday 1st June Minnesota Football Preparation Camp
 Wednesday 5th June EY2A Exit Point
 Wednesday 5th June OLCOMA Math Olympiad – Year 7
 Thursday 6th June EY2B Exit Point
 Thursday 6th June OLCOMA Math Olympiad – Year 8 and Year 9
 Friday 7th June EY1A and EY1B Exit Point
 Friday 7th June OLCOMA Math Olympiad – Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12
 Friday 7th June U17 Basketball Vs Colegio Metodista

New School Website
We are excited to invite all members of our community to visit our newly launched school website – thebritishschoolofcostarica.com
IPC Workshop for Parents
Last Friday saw a cross section of Primary parents enjoy an informative and interactive workshop led by Teacher Sarah (IPC Coordinator). It was an opportunity to learn more about the concepts that drive the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), as well as take part in a fun and interactive practical session which allowed parents to gain a deeper understanding of the learning experiences their children enjoy in class. Photo 1 / Photo 2
Year 2 Field Trip
Last Friday, our Year 2 students had the opportunity to visit the “Planetario” at the Universidad de Costa Rica ¨(UCR). The children had an intergalactic experience at the spatial cinema where they were able to see planets and stars in 3D dimension, whilst learning about their characteristics. The objective of this activity was to support the learning of our IPC unit “Time and Place, Earth and Space”. Photo 1 / Photo 2
Primary Assembly (Digital Focus)
For our regular Monday morning assembly, we were fortunate to receive a visit from our technology team. Victor, Ricardo, Giancarlo and Teacher Lidia spoke to the students about the importance of online safety and reinforcing the School’s Values of Respect, Responsibility and Independence. It was also an opportunity to formally announce the students who have been chosen as Digital Leaders as they will go on to play a pivotal leadership role in mentoring and supporting their peers and teachers with all things digital over the coming weeks and months.  Photo 1 / Photo 2
The 2024 Student Digital Leaders are:

  Group  Name  Name
 Y1 A Emma Castro Manuel Arroyo
 Y1 B Kevin Feng Javier Berrocal
 Y2 A Valentina Maroto Lev Larionov
 Y2 B Emiliano Carnevale Marcelo Ugarte
 Y2 C Julián Barquero Felipe Nanne
 Y3 A Nicolás Alfaro Sergio Acuña
 Y3 B Federico Sotela Zack Dabdoub
 Y3 C Sara Narváez Saul Sáenz
 Y4 A Andres Moreno Fernando Díaz
 Y4 B Damon Wu Maripaz Loría
 Y4 C Luca Laitano Nicolas González
 Y5 A María Pía Campos Camilo Espinoza
 Y5 B Pilar Zamora Jack Halloran

Dancing Success
Last weekend, Alisa Kierszenson, Leila Campabadal, Sara Narváez and María Paz Villalobos participated in the National ‘All Dance’ competition at the National Auditorium of the Children’s Museum with the Danceworks Academy.  They performed multiple group and individual choreographies in various dance disciplines, all of which made it to the podium. Sara’s solo came in second place in musical theatre, children’s category. Alisa’s solo came third in the pre-juvenile category of contemporary dance. Leila’s solo came third in the youth contemporary dance category.  Finally, Alisa won fourth place overall in the pre-junior category and Leila won the ‘Best Dancer’ award in the junior category. Photo
Lost and Found
The Secondary “Lost and Found” cupboard is full of bottles, uniforms, jumpers, sweatshirts, cloths, clothes, shoes, lunch boxes and other items. During the last two weeks of the semester all of these items will be brought up to the main entrance of the School so that parents can go through and search for their child’s belongings. Anything that is not collected at the end of the semester will be donated.   This situation can be avoided by ensuring that students’ belongings are identified with their names.  Thank you.
Year 8 Drama Festival
Last Wednesday 28th of May, the Year 8 students treated us to three plays during the Drama Festival “Theatre of the Weird”.  The festival was inspired by an episode of the TV series Black Mirror, and two short stories, written by Shirley Jackson and Edgar Alan Poe, where human nature is explored. This experience led students to discover new skills not only in performance, but also props management, costume, stage, sound and light design, as well as teamwork and project management skills.   We would like to specially thank the Maintenance staff, the Audiovisuals team, the Social Media/Marketing team and Ms. Baldock, Mr. McDonald and Mr. Kamm for such successful performances which enriched a well-established English Department tradition.
Extended Essay Deadline
We would like to wish all of our Year 12 students the very best as they complete their IB Extended Essays in the coming days – the deadline for submission is 3:00 pm on Monday.  The Extended Essay provides students with the opportunity to undertake detailed research on a topic of their choosing.  We would like to thank all family members for their ongoing support of our Year 12 students as they complete this mandatory component of the IB Diploma.
United States Community Colleges and CONAPE visit – Invitation for Year 10, 11 and 12 students and their parents
Next Thursday 6th of June, during lunch break (12:30 pm to 1:10 pm), representatives from US Community Colleges (Valencia College in Florida and Edmonds Community College in Washington) and CONAPE (Loans for Education) will visit the school. Interested Year 10 to 12 students and parents are invited to attend this important presentation in room 49. Discover the affordable, high-quality education and diverse opportunities US community colleges offer, paving the way for a seamless transfer to four-year universities. Join us during lunch to learn how these institutions can be a great stepping stone for academic and career success where students can obtain their first two years of university experience.  Students and parents can also discover how CONAPE’s affordable education loans can help turn students’ academic dreams into reality, whether studying abroad or in Costa Rica.