About Us
The British School of Costa Rica is an independent day school offering academic levels from Early Years 1 (3 year-olds) up to Year 12 (12th Grade).
The BSCR is dedicated to developing globally aware, multilingual, lifelong learners with the key skills to fulfill their potential.

The BSCR will be a leader in educational innovation with a culture of excellence characterised by personalised learning.

Creativity, Independence, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility.

Learning Journey

The House System is a traditional feature of schools in England and the UK, in which the school is divided into subunits called HOUSES, each student is assigned a House since their admission. Throughout the year the houses participate in different competitions providing a focus on group loyalty.
In The British School of Costa Rica four houses were founded in 1993, which were named like four of our volcanoes: Arenal, Irazú, Barva and Poás.