School Bulletin 12 – 29th of April 2022

School Bulletin

Whole School
Campus Update
In line with our strategic plan objective of ‘maximising our infrastructure’ we would like to share with you our most recent campus infrastructure update which covers the work undertaken in the first quarter of 2022: Campus Infrastructure Update – April 2022.
Staying home when sick or unwell
We would like to remind all of our community members that if you or your children are sick or feel unwell, that they should not attend School until they are fully recovered. This is not only a mandatory requirement of the Ministry of Health for anyone showing symptoms consistent of covid-19, but it also prevents the spread of other viruses on campus amongst our community such as the common cold and the flu. Community members should not return to campus until they are fully recovered.
Early Years and Primary
Book Week
Throughout this week, Early Years and Primary students have been participating in a number of activities related to Book Week.  Please look on Tapestry, Dojo and our school Facebook page for photos of the different events.  We would also like to thank all parents who volunteered to read to their child’s class throughout the week.
SDS Workshop for Year 4 and Year 5 parents
As part of the Primary Social and Emotional curriculum our SDS counsellors will be presenting a workshop for Year 4 and Year 5 parents entitled – “PUBERTY: CHANGES AND CHALLENGES”.  The workshop will be delivered by the Psychologists Andreína Azofeifa and Gabriela Gutiérrez from our Student Development Services (SDS) Department and will take place online on Thursday May 5th from 8:30 am to 10:00 am. This workshop serves as a complement to the activities in which our Year 4 and Year 5 students will be participating. In this workshop, we will examine subjects such as: the physical and psychosocial changes during puberty, the social patterns that emerge in the conformation of gender roles and the role of sexual education within the family.  To access the workshop please click on the following Google Meet link:
Let’s get creative!
As part of the Book Day celebration, we would like invite our school community to be creative and (re)create a book cover. All members can participate: students, teachers, administrative staff and we also invite you to participate as a family.  To achieve this goal, you can take a photo, make a poster or create a digital design.  To be published, send your work to
Book Day Celebration
On Tuesday 26th of April, we celebrated Book Day in Secondary with a series of activities organised by the English, French and Spanish departments. The students were able, after two years of pandemic, to come dressed up as their favourite literary characters, giving us a colourful and joyful reminder of the characters we love. We also had book displays, an assembly with representations of Greek, English and Costa Rican literature, a book exchange and many other activities.
Book Day winners
Congratulations to the Secondary Book Day winners for their creativity, originality and excellent characterisation of their chosen literary character. Well done!
Year 6 to Year 8:        Isabella Jiménez (Year 6B) and Marcela Patel (Year 8B)
Year 9 to Year 10:      Felipe Rubinstein (Year 10A) and Ankit Patel (Year 10A)
Year 11 to Year 12:    Rebeca López (Year 11E) and Sofía Zúñiga (Year 12B)
Alumni Presentations
Several BSCR staff have created a new initiative called ‘Smart Connections’, which involves inviting former students to visit us virtually or in person to share their personal and professional experiences with our students.  This week, former student, Federico Madrigal, spoke to students virtually about ¨How to find your purpose in life: How habits can help you achieve your goals.   Federico is the founder of the organisation, House of Habits.
Year 10 Service Learning
This week our Year 10 generation participated in a service learning project to support the Escuela Unidocente Montserrat in Cascajal de Coronado with a wide variety of learning and infrastructure materials.  They also contributed by painting a mural and assisting with school building improvements.  
Year 8 Shakespeare Festival
This year the English Department will be able to bring back our beloved annual tradition of the Year 8 Shakespeare Festival, which will take place on Friday, May 6th at 10:30 am. Due to space constraints, we cannot invite people to come to the Auditorium, but there will be a live broadcast on the Facebook school page.

These are the plays that will be performed in modern English, thanks to the students’ own translation.
1. Twelfth Night
2. Romeo and Juliet
3. A Midsummer Night’s Dream

We hope you can join us virtually!

Design by Luigi Mata @Addict2Design