
Purpose-built school facilities have been constructed since 1986 on a 2.2 hectare site.  Most buildings surround a central sports field and have been constructed in accordance with strict anti-seismic regulations.

At present, the physical plant of the School consists of:

  • recreational areas
  • a separate “Early Years” block of 8 specialist classrooms
  • 46 general classrooms
  • 1 Senior and 1 Primary Library
  • 5 Senior School Science Laboratories
  • 1 Primary Activities/Science Room
  • 3 Computer Laboratories (1 Primary, 2 Secondary)
  • 1 Art Salon and Studio
  • a 300-seat Auditorium / Theatre incorporating a Performing Arts Centre (Music and Drama)
  • a 1200 sq. metre gymnasium
  • a Dance Salon
  • a “Soda” (Cafeteria)
  • Administration and Staff facilities.

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We welcome applications of admission year round.