Upcoming Dates

Monday 29th January:Secondary ‘Arenal Day’ (see below)
Friday 2nd February:House Colours Day – All Students
Wednesday 7th February:Start of Year 5 Camp
Friday 23rd February:No Classes – Staff Training
Saturday 9th March:International Fair


Welcome to the 2024 Academic Year
As we start the 2024 academic year, we would like to send a warm welcome to all members of our Learning Community.  We wish each of you a happy, healthy and productive 2024.

Parent Council – 2024
Over the last five years, our Parent Council, constituted by a parent representing each year level, has done a wonderful job in facilitating improved communication between the wider parent body and the School.  As a result, and recognising the importance of ongoing and clear communication with our parent body, we would like to continue with this structure for the forthcoming year.  Thus, we would like to invite any parents who are interested in representing their year level in the 2024 Parent Council to send an email of interest to dberridge@bscr.ed.cr by Wednesday 31st of January.  We welcome applications from parents who served on the Parent Council last year as well as any parents who would be interested in joining the Council for the first time.  Please click on the following links for more details about the application process:  Parent Council

Service Learning Activity
On Thursday 18th of January, two groups of staff members participated in two important service activities in the local community.  One of our staff groups shared time with the elderly population of the “Centro Diurno de Pavas” and prepared a wall for our students to create a mural at the adjoining “El Parque de los Ancianos”.  Our other staff group once again supported “Esperanza Urbana” with their mission to support San Jose’s homeless population.  We would like to thank “Esperanza Urbana”, the “Centro Diurno de Pavas” as well as each of our staff volunteers for their active participation in these initiatives – Photo 1 / Photo 2

Back to School Nights
Thank you to all parents who attended our Back to School Nights this week.  The general presentations that were delivered in the Auditorium each evening can be accessed through the following links: Early Years & Primary / Secondary

End of Day Procedures
We would like to remind all parents that any changes to the way in which a student will be leaving the School at the end of the day must be sent to Reception before midday using the email address reception@bscr.ed.cr.

Also, earlier this week, we sent most parents in the Secondary School levels a form to complete and thereby request a “gate pass”, which enables the unaccompanied exit of their adolescent children at the end of a normal school day.  Unfortunately, many parents did not send their reply to the indicated email address (recepción@bscr.ed.cr); this created additional work for the Administration and delayed the issuing of the “gate passes”.

Charity Collection
Several of our Year 12 students, as part of their IB CAS project, are organising a clothes and shoes donation drive to support Haitian migrants.  For more information, please click on the following link – Poster.  Donations will be received between the 29th of January and the 9th of February and can be left in either Mr. Mallon’s Office (EY & Primary) or Teacher Cleo’s Office (Secondary).

We would like to remind all members of our Community who have old or unused School uniforms that several of our Secondary students are creating a project, called Reform Uniform, which has the objective of giving a new life to old uniforms by repurposing them in a variety of ways.  Old uniforms can be donated at the front gate, by Reception, each morning.  Please click on the following link for more information – Poster

House Colours Day
All students are invited to come to School in their House colours on Friday 2nd of February, when we will be hosting our first House activities of the year.


U13 Women’s Football
Congratulations to María Paula Villalobos, Year 6C, on her team, Liga Deportiva Alajuelense, being crowned National ‘subcampeonas‘, in the U13 Women’s Football category (2023 Tournament) – Photo

Karate Achievement
Congratulations to Daniel Núñez Calderón (Year 6) who, after 8 years of practice at Sensei Erick Goldberg’s Dojo, recently obtained his black belt in Kiokushin Karate – Photo

House Tournament Winners – Arenal
On Monday 29th of January, all Secondary Students in Arenal House are invited to come to School dressed in red clothing to celebrate winning the 2023 House Tournament.