Upcoming Dates

Monday 6th May Start of Y11NB MEP Diagnostic Exams
Monday 6th May Year 6 Presentation on Juvenile Penal Law (11:30 am,   Auditorium)
 Tuesday 7th May National Honour Society (NHS) Induction Ceremony (8:15 am,   Auditorium)
 Saturday 11th May Start of the Humboldt Model United Nations

Gran Classica Race
As we indicated in a previous communication, because they are in the middle of a government transition, the San José Municipality told us that they CANNOT grant us permission to carry out the Grand Classic Race.  Therefore, this event is postponed until further notice.

Health & Safety Update
Due to the upcoming rainy season we strongly urge all parents of students to adhere to the following preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of respiratory infections occurring: frequent hand washing, correct cough and sneeze protocols, seeking medical attention when presenting cold symptoms, and keeping all vaccines up to date. If your child is genuinely feeling ill, please do not send them into school to reduce the spread of illnesses among fellow students and staff. Your support and understanding with this would be greatly appreciated.
Primary Assembly Led by Secondary Students
Primary students were treated to a wonderful assembly experience on Monday led by Secondary students. Firstly, there was a magnificent musical performance by a group of Year 7 students (Photo). This was then followed by the main focus of the assembly as Lucía, Ankit and Tomás (three of our Year 12 mentors explained how the school’s values of Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Creativity and Independence are seen, felt and heard on a daily basis in Secondary School (Photo). The assembly ended with a range of certificates being presented to Primary students, including the class and overall winners for the costume parade linked to Book Week (Photo).
Primary School Book Week
To celebrate World Book Day (Tuesday 23rd of April) the Primary School hosted a range of activities and events last week including: Dads & Grandads reading to the students (Photo / Photo; Reading Buddy sessions between Year 5 and Early Years Students (Photo / Photo); D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read – Photo) as well as a wide range of activities organised by the Librarian Adi in the library (Photo). The culmination of the week was a colourful and vibrant assembly on Friday in which the students of each class had an opportunity to parade their costumes in front of their peers (Photo / Photo)
Photography Contest
Please click on the following link to see a presentation that summarizes the Book Week Photography Contest in Early Years and Primary – Presentation
Year 1 – Field Trip to the South Metropolitan Fire Station
This Tuesday, April 30th, the Year 1 students went on an excursion to the South Metropolitan Fire Station. The students learned what number to call in case of emergency, when it is an emergency and when it is not and the correct way to act in case of fire. They also learned about the different tasks that firefighters perform and did a tour of the Fire Station. Finally, they got to see a fire truck and a fire engine. All of the Year 1 students enjoyed the visit greatly. We thank firefighter Gabriel for his attention during the visit. Photo 1 / Photo 2 / Photo 3
Workshop Reminder
Our Student Development Services Department will be facilitating an in school workshop for Year 4 and Year 5 parents, entitled ‘Puberty: Changes and Challenges’, on Friday the 10th May at 8:30am in the Auditorium.  The workshop will be delivered by the Psychologists Andreína Azofeifa and Gabriela Gutiérrez. We hope to see you there!
Football Champion
Congratulations to María Paula Villalobos (Year 6) whose team, U13 Liga Deportiva Alajuelense were crowned champions in the Meet The World SKF Costa Rica 2024 tournament.  As champions they will now participate in the Gothia World Cup which will be held in Sweden in July – Photo

Costa Rican Rugby Federation
On Thursday last week, two coaches from the Costa Rican Rugby Federation visited our campus to provide a rugby training session to the Year 9 students as we continue with our objective of providing our students with a diverse range of sporting experiences.
Book Week
Last week, we celebrated the love of reading and the value of books in our lives with a series of activities in Secondary, including: the book character costume competition, the cultural-literary kiosks organised by Year 11 and Year 12 students, the English Department’s creative writing competition, an assembly with different presentations by the Spanish, English and French departments, the book exchange during the breaks, exhibitions of literary designs, the manga character drawing competition, among many others.  We would like to congratulate the following students for their efforts in excellently characterising their book characters:
Year 6-8: Isabella Jiménez – for her costume of “La Segua”.
Year 9-10: Marcella Patel – for her costume of “The Yellow Wallpaper”.
Year 11- 12: Marcelo Rojas – for his costume of “The Madhatter”.
Finally, we would like to thank everyone who made the Book Week activities possible. We would also like to invite you to make time in your daily routine to immerse yourself in the pleasure and magic of reading a book.
Visit to San José town
Last Monday 22nd and 29th of May, the Human Sciences Department carried out the traditional tour to San José town with Year 11 IB. The purpose of the tour was not only to allow the students to experience the history of Costa Rica, but also to link this experience with the Theory of Knowledge exhibition.  The tour started at the Atlantic Railway Station, where the students appreciated a series of works and monuments related to the development of the Costa Rican Liberal State, topics that we see in Social Studies. We then visited the National Park and the National Monument where, among other things, we remembered the heroic deeds against the filibustering invasion of Central America between 1856 and 1857 and the symbolism of the monuments, a topic that is analyzed in Theory of Knowledge.  This year we were able to have a guided tour through the new Legislative Assembly building. Here the students were able to see firsthand how the First Power of the Republic works, a topic that is of utmost importance for the Civics subject.  We finished the tour with another guided visit to the National Theatre and ended it by returning by public bus, an experience that will be an unforgettable moment for the students.  The NB students will be going on this tour next Wednesday 15th of May.  Photo 1 / Photo 2 / Photo 3