Upcoming Dates

 Monday 20th May Start of BSCR Sports Festival
 Tuesday 21st May Spanish Spelling Bee Semi-Finals (Secondary)
 Friday 24th May IPC Parent Workshop (Parents from Year 1 to   Year 5), 8:15 am – Auditorium
 Friday 24th May Year 2 Visit to the Planetarium (8:10 am to 12   noon)
 Tuesday 28th May Year 12 MEP Exam – Cívica
 Wednesday 29th May Year 12 MEP Exam – Estudios Sociales

Sports Festival
On Monday of next week, the British School will be celebrating its annual Sports Festival.  With a focus on promoting our School value of ‘Honesty’, there will be numerous activities and matches across the week celebrating the sporting talents of our Community.  The festival will begin on Monday morning with our Inauguration Ceremony, complete with special guests.  Then throughout the week, students, from all levels, will have the opportunity to participate in various football, basketball, volleyball and badminton matches. We look forward to our Learning Community supporting our various teams and players throughout the week!
Admissions 2025
We are happy to inform you that we will be starting the Early Years admissions process for the 2025 academic year soon. Those interested can contact the Admissions department via WhatsApp (8461-7965) or email (admissions@bscr.ed.cr) for more information. Parents who have already completed the respective admission form will be contacted in the next few days to schedule their child’s assessment/observation appointment.
Puberty Workshop
Thank you to all Year 4 and Year 5 parents who attended our Puberty Workshop on Friday 10th of May.  We hope that all attendees found it to be an interesting and worthwhile activity – Photo
IPC Workshop
Primary school parents (Year 1 to Year 5) are invited to join Teacher Sarah and Teacher Gaby for an in-person International Primary Curriculum workshop on Friday 24th of May 8:15 am – 9:15 am. The IPC is an interdisciplinary programme we use to teach history, geography, science, technology, international mindedness and much more. You will learn what the IPC is and how your child learns in the British School of Costa Rica. Please join us for a presentation, short hands-on activity and Q&A session. Flyer
United Arab Emirates – Cultural and Educational Presentation
On Monday of this week, several of our Year 12 students were treated to a cultural and educational presentation on the United Arab Emirates (UAE) by representatives of the UAE Embassy.  In addition to trying typical food and drink, the students were also given a presentation by a Costa Rican graduate of New York University (NYU) who studied for four years at their Abu Dhabi campus. Photo
Humboldt Model United Nations
Last week our BSCR MUN Team participated in the Humboldt Model United Nations 2024. Congratulations to the following successful delegates for their participation in the conference:
Best Delegate:
Cristel Haaversen (Year 11)
Honourable Mentions:
Francisco Gutiérrez (Year 8), Emiliano Robalino (Year 8), Matías Ugalde (Year 8) and Leonardo Jímenez (Year 11)
Verbal Mentions:
Lucía Herrero Chavarría (Year 9) and Constanza Donato (Year 8)
We would also like to congratulate Rania Canales (Year 11) and Juan Pablo Pérez (Year 12) who participated at the Humboldt staff conference as chair and co-chair, as well as the rest of the delegation.