Upcoming Dates

 Friday 14th June Last day of 1st Semester
 Thursday 11th July Start of the Target USA Cup Trip  (Minnesota,   USA)
 Tuesday 16th July Start of Semester Two
 Wednesday 24th July Secondary Parent-Teacher meetings   (Secondary   classes end at 12 noon)
 Thursday 25th July National Holiday (Anexión del Partido de  Nicoya) – School Closed


Happy Holidays
As we come to the end of what has been an extremely busy and positive first semester we would like to wish all members of our Learning Community a happy, healthy and enjoyable mid-year break.

Charity Food Week
Last week, over 25 BSCR staff members participated in our annual Charity Food Week.  During this week, volunteer staff members provide lunch for each of the participants who, in return, donate the money that they would usually spend on their lunches to a worthy cause.  This year, the money donated by staff members will go to Casa Viva, a cause that our students are also currently supporting.  Thank you to each of our participants with a special thanks to each of our Chefs for both their generosity and for providing us with such delicious lunches each day.

Gran Clásica race
We are pleased to inform you that we have proposed to the local municipality, Saturday the 17th of August as our new date for the Gran Clásica race. We thank all those members of our community who have already registered for the race. If you have registered and cannot participate on this day, we ask you to write an email to clubs@bscr.ed.cr requesting a refund. The deadline to request a refund is Friday, July 19th. After this date, refund requests will not be accepted.  For those who have not yet registered, we inform you that a new registration period will be open from Monday, July 15th to Friday, July 19th. We invite all members of our community to participate in this great event.

Second Semester Clubs
Second Semester clubs will begin on Monday the 22nd of July.  Registration for the clubs will be through the official BSCR website and will take place on the following days:
Early Years:      Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th of July
Primary:            Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th of July
Secondary:        Friday 19th July

Please send any questions related to our club programme to clubs@bscr.ed.cr

The Children’s Hospital Foundation
In Monday’s Primary Assembly we were delighted to welcome Doctora Adriana Yock-Corrales (President of the Children’s Hospital Foundation) who received a 300,000 colones donation from Mrs. Melody Lloyd, on behalf of the Primary School. (Photo) This money was raised from the proceeds generated by the Bake Sale which was held on Friday 31st May.  After receiving the donation, Dra. Yock-Corrales sent the following letter of appreciation to the students who organised the event. Letter

Primary Talent Show
This year’s Primary Talent Show will be held on 6th of September.  In addition to performances, we are also providing Primary students with the opportunity to participate in the area of visual arts with the show including the following categories: Music, Dance, Drama, Painting and Drawing, Literature, Sculpture, Handicrafts, Fashion Design and Photography.  Inscriptions will be welcomed between Monday the 15th of July and Friday the 26th of July with students being informed of the selected program by Friday the 16th of August.  For more information about categories or procedures please contact Teacher Carlos (cchaves@bscr.ed.cr).


Spelling Bee
Over the last few weeks, students from Year 6 to Year 9 have been demonstrating their spelling skills in the Spelling Bee 2024, organised by the Spanish Department. This Tuesday 10th of June saw the grand final where, after several rounds, Stefano D’Arsie was crowned champion. Honourable mentions also went to students Leila Campabadal and Emilia González, as well as to student Thomas Gray. Congratulations to each of our participants! Photo

House Photography Competition
Congratulations to the following students on their participation in this semester’s ‘House Colours’ photography competition:
First place:        Felipe Rubenstein (Barva)
Second place:    Salvador Ruiz (Irazú)
Third place:       Ignacio Ceciliano (Poás)
Fourth place:     Stefano D’Arsie (Arenal)
Please click on the following link to see Felipe’s winning photo. The judges awarded it first place based on its bold and dynamic composition while primarily using the colour of the student’s house (in this case green for Barva) – Winning Photo
Astronomía y Astronáutica Olympics
Congratulations to Santiago Calvo (Year 10) on being named the winner of the 2024 Costa Rican Astronomía y Astronáutica Olympics.  Santiago’s fantastic achievement will be recognised on June the 24th with an Award Ceremony at the Arts Centre of TEC’s campus in Cartago.

Biriteca Ranch
Last Wednesday, June 12th, the Department of Human Sciences organized a tour with the Year 6 students to the Biriteca Ranch, located in the Quitirrisí de Mora Indigenous Reserve. It was an excellent learning experience since the students were first able to listen to a talk given by the chief of the reserve, Don Juan Sánchez, before participating in a series of workshops on: paintings with natural dyes, making crafts with clay, processing sugar cane, making baskets with natural fibers, practicing archery and arrow shooting and indigenous cuisine, specifically corn tortillas. We hope that our students enjoyed this learning experience, especially as it is a topic that is included in the MEP standardized tests. Photo 2 / Photo  3