Upcoming Dates

 Wednesday 7th February Start of Year 5 Camp
 Wednesday 14th February Friendship Day
 Friday 23rd February No Classes – Staff Training
 Saturday 9th March International Fair


House Colours Day
We remind all members of our Community that our first House Colours Day of the year will take place this Friday, the 2nd of February.  All students are invited to come to School on this day dressed in the colours of their house; Arenal (red), Barva (green), Irazú (yellow), Poás (blue).

Charity Collection
Several of our Year 12 students, as part of their IB CAS project, are organising a clothes and shoes donation drive to support Haitian migrants. For more information, please click on the following link – Poster. Donations will be received between the 29th of January and the 9th of February and can be left in either Mr. Mallon’s Office (Early Years & Primary) or Teacher Cleo’s Office (Secondary).

Extra-Curricular Activities
Thank you to all parents who signed their children up for one of our extra-curricular activities (clubs) this week.  We have a number of new club offerings this year, including Animal Welfare Club, Motorbikes & Bicimotos and Virtual Reality – Meta Quest.   Our After-School Programme begins next week, starting on Monday the 5th of February.

Friendship Day
On Wednesday the 14th of February, the British School Community will be celebrating Friendship Day.  In recognition of this, we invite all members of our community to come to school dressed in either white, pink or red on this day.

Correct Addresses for E-mails
In the interests of working with maximum efficiency, we ask parents to direct their email queries and responses to emails to the indicated persons; as indicated in the “Parents’ Handbook”.  For example, please to not send questions about financial matters to the Headmaster.  We ask parents to cease from simply clicking on the “reply” symbol when replying to an email.  The school will usually include the indicated email address for a reply e.g. “return to the Infirmary at infirmary@bscr.ed.cr”.


Early Years & Year 1 Digital Pick-up Cards
We would like to remind all parents and caregivers that BSCR digital pick-up cards and official ID must be shown upon request when collecting Early Years 1 – Year 1 students on foot. If a card and ID is not presented, then the adult(s) will be required to go to Reception so that proof of authorisation can be confirmed before allowing the student(s) to leave.  If you do not have a card please email: admissions@bscr.ed.cr to request cards for up to four adults. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

National Walking Champion
Congratulations to Tiago Núñez (Year 5) on being crowned champion in the 3-kilometre race at the National Athletic Walking Championship, which took place in Turrialba last Saturday.


Secondary Electoral Process

This week has seen the start of our student electoral processes in the Secondary School which will finish with the election of our 2024/2025 Student Council (voting takes place on the 26th and 27th of February).  The first part of this process, which began this week, is for each of our form groups to elect their Class President who, after their elections, forms the ‘Directiva de Sección’ for each class.   The role of the Class President is to represent the members of their class through their participation in the Representative Assembly.  The next step in this process is to elect the Student Electoral Tribunal, whose job it will be to organise and oversee the Student Council election process.