Upcoming Dates

 Friday 2nd August   School Closed – National Holiday (Virgen de los   Ángeles)
 Tuesday 6th August   Year 3 visit to Irazú Volcano
 Tuesday 6th August   UCR Annual Vocational Fair for Y11NB and Y12   students (8:00 am to 12 midday)
 Wednesday 7th August   Start of Year 9A Camp Experience – Lago Don Manuel
 Monday 12th August   Start of Mock Exams for Year 10 and Year 12 students
 Thursday 15th August   School Closed – National Holiday (Mother’s Day)

Boxes of Hope
Thank you to all members of our Community who have contributed to our Boxes of Hope activity to support four local service initiatives (Arenal: Giamala / Barva: Face of Justice / Irazú: Pan para mi hermano / Poás: CIDAI Pavas.  We would like to inform you that we have extended the deadline for community members to make donations to Wednesday the 7th of August.  Any non-perishable food items or personal hygiene items are gratefully received and can be donated in the decorated boxes by the side of Reception.
Published Author
Congratulations to Ericka Phillips (Administration staff), on recently publishing her first book of short stories ‘El Scriptorium furtivo’.  Ericka also participated in the National Reading Fair that took place last weekend in Antigua Aduana (Photo). If you would like more information about her book or how to purchase it, you can contact either contact Ericka directly at the School or via: https://www.facebook.com/Elscriptoriumfurtivo/   
Chess Tournament
This week saw the start of our Chess Tournament.  15 students from Early Years 3 to Senior took part in matches and there were also other special activities to support this tournament that were organized by both the Primary and Secondary libraries.  Thank you very much to parents, teachers and students for supporting this special event.  The Award Ceremony will take place next Monday.  Photo / Photo / Photo / Photo
Talent Show
We are delighted to share that we have received 20 different applications in Scenic Arts (Drama, Music and Dance) and 5 in Visual Arts for our annual Primary Talent Show.  While the application period for Scenic Arts is now closed, we have extended the application deadline for Visual Arts until 9th of August. We encourage all Primary students who wish to participate in one of the Visual Arts disciplines (Painting / Drawing, Fashion Design, Photography, Sculpture, Literature, etc.) to please submit their applications.
With regard to Scenic Arts, from now until 9th of August, student applicants are asked to either send a video or do an audition in person at least with a small part of their act. There are some students applying in more than 3 categories and we also have some students who are applying for the first time without any performance experience.  As a result, these auditions will be important to support the students and also assess the timing of the show, as we have to fit all the acts in the 2-hour show.
Talent Show Calendar:

  Friday 9th August   Deadline for Visual Arts applications
  Friday 9th August   Deadline for submitting videos or in-person    auditions for Scenic Arts
  Friday 16th August   Scenic Arts Official Programme announced and   feedback provided
  Friday 23rd August   Deadline to submit Visual Arts and Literature    projects
  Thursday 29thAugust   Visual Arts Official Programme announced and    feedback provided
 Friday 6th September   Talent Show

Pole and Aerial Arts Championships
Congratulations to Lucía Zúñiga (Year 6) on being crowned Champion of the Year 3 Category (10 to 12 years) – ‘Telas acrobáticas nivel Profesional’ at the Pole and Aerial Arts Championship which took place in Costa Rica on Saturday 20th of July.  Lucia also finished with the third highest score in the entire competition – Photo
Service Learning Project – Year 9: English Workshops for Children of ‘Albergue Hogar Bíblico’
During this week, Year 9 gave English workshops (to encourage the learning of a second language) to more than 40 children from the ‘Albergue Hogar Bíblico’ of the ‘Asociación Roblealto’. The students had the opportunity to share their skills and knowledge (as well as to learn more about the challenges we face as a society) in order for children in vulnerable conditions to improve and reach their full potential. In addition, as part of the project, the students organised a charity concert in the School auditorium on Thursday 1st of August. The money collected will be donated to the Roblealto Association’s Education Fund.
Programme Options Choices
In the coming months our Year 8 and Year 10 students will be making some important choices related to what they will study in 2025.  To help with their decision-making we have several activities planned so that they have all the information they need:
Wednesday 28th August, 8:30am – Virtual Meeting for Year 10 Parents
In this virtual meeting our International Baccalaureate (IB) Coordinator, Ms. Sundey Christensen, and National Baccalaureate (NB) Coordinator, Ms. Maria Castillo, will discuss the main features of our IB and NB programmes.  Our University Counsellor, Ms. Ana Lourdes Baumgartner, will also share some perspectives related to university admissions and will also answer any questions that parents have.
Thursday 29th August, 8:30am – Virtual Meeting for Year 8 Parents

In this virtual meeting our IGCSE Coordinator, Ms. Ana Rojas, will discuss the Cambridge IGCSE programme that students take in Year 9 and the subject option choices that our Year 8 students will have.  Any Year 9 or 10 parent who is unsure or has questions about the IGCSE programme is also welcome to attend
Tuesday 3rd September – Subject Fairs for Students and Parents – School Auditorium
In these fairs, students and parents will have the opportunity to speak to teachers from the various subject areas to find out more about the different subjects that are offered in each of our programmes (IGCSE, NB and IB)
8:20am: IGCSE Options Fair for Year 8 Students and Parents
10:30am: IB/NB Fair for Year 10 Students and Parents