Upcoming Dates

 Saturday 17th August Feria Educativa Costa Rica 2024 – Centro de   Convenciones, 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
 Saturday 17th August Gran Classic Race XXXV
 Sunday 18th August Feria Educativa Costa Rica 2024 – Centro de   Convenciones, 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
 Tuesday 20th August Year 7B Service Learning Activity – Centro Diurno   Pavas
 Thursday 22nd August Start of Year 9C Camp
 Saturday 24th August SAT Exams
 Tuesday 27th August Career Day
 Saturday 31st August Start of BSCR Model United Nations (MUN)

House/Service Learning Initiative
Thank you to all members of our community who participated in our House/Service Learning activity over the last month.  We were thrilled with the level of community participation and are very happy that we were able to make significant contributions to four very worthy causes. Please click on the following link for details on the total number of donations we received. Link
This initiative included two whole-school house competitions, the results of which can be accessed through the following links:
House Box Decoration Competition
House Production Collection Competition
We would like to thank Gerardo Gómez (House Coordinator) and Lady Gómez (Service Learning Coordinator) for all of their hard work in organizing this project.
Health and Safety Reminder
We would like to remind parents that, when accessing the School by car through the East Gate, driving northwards towards the Tobias Bolaños Airport, it is prohibited to turn left into the School across the yellow line in the middle of the road. Doing so causes congestion and results in cars cutting across several lanes of traffic, placing other road users and our community at risk, including those entering on foot. Instead, please drive past the East gate, find a safe place to turn around, drive back and enter by turning right the gate into the entrance.  Also, we would also like to remind all members of our community that it is prohibited for students to exit cars while waiting in line each morning.
Digital Leaders Training
Last week, our inspiring Digital Leaders took a major step forward by receiving their first mentoring session from our Director of Technology and ICT Subject Leader.  During this exciting session, they delved into crucial topics such as screen time at school and at home, cyberbullying, and online safety.  But this is just the beginning, in their upcoming activities, our Digital Leaders will be preparing to share their valuable knowledge with younger students and become ambassadors for the innovative online safety game Interland. It’s an incredible opportunity to develop teamwork skills and strengthen the values of our community!  We look forward to our Digital Leaders shaping the digital future, one step at a time!  Photo 1 / Photo 2 / Photo 3
Book Buddies: “Unleash Literacy!”
As part of her Masters degree in Psychopedagogy, Teacher Lucía (Year 3) has started a dog assisted reading program with the help of her certified therapy dog, Arthur.  The programme aims to boost literacy skills and foster a love for reading through the calming presence of the dog. Photo 1 / Photo 2 / Photo 3
Year 12 Geography Talk
Two representatives from BLP legal, Simon Sauve and Adelina Villalobos came to speak to our Year 12 IB geographers on Thursday 8th of August. Their inside knowledge into the complicated topic of the Costa Rica Free Trade Zone gave our students an in-depth and up to date example they can use in exams, as well as giving tips about potential future career paths. The talk was structured around pre-submitted student questions that displayed their impressive understanding of the topic.
Year 7 Service Learning Project at Parque Los Ancianos
Year 7 students have been working with great enthusiasm on their Service Learning project at Parque Los Ancianos, located next to the Pavas Day Centre. This project began last year with the preparation of the wall for a mural by Year 7B students and some staff members. The goal is to make the green areas more attractive and make general improvements to the space for both the 30+ residents and the neighbours of the community. On Tuesday 13th August Year 7A began painting the mural, and in the coming weeks, Year 7B and Year 7C will continue. We will keep you informed about the progress and share the final result of this beautiful project.