Upcoming Dates

 Monday 16th September Year 4 Exit Point – 10:30am, Auditorium
 Wednesday 18th September Year 1 Exit Point – 8:30am, Auditorium
 Wednesday 18th September EY3 Visit to the Children’s Museum – 8:15am a 11:45am
 Thursday 19th September Public Speaking Competition -10:15am,   Auditorium
 Friday 20th September NB Talks – 10:30am, Auditorium
 Friday 20th September Last day of Quarter Three
 Monday 30th September First day of Quarter Four
 Monday 30th September Start of external IGCSE Examinations (Year 10   students only)

Semana Cívica
This week the British School of Costa Rica celebrated Semana Cívica with a number of different activities.  Highlights throughout the week included a special Early Years Acto Cívico, a lantern parade throughout campus, and, on Friday, we will have our whole School Acto Civico followed by a shared meal for all Primary and Secondary students.  We would like to thank all participants in each of the activities as well as the numerous staff members who worked extremely hard in preparing for such a successful week celebrating Costa Rican independence.
Health Week Speaker
In addition to the parents we published in last week’s bulletin, we would also like to thank Juan Carlos Delgado who gave a presentation to our Year 3 students last Monday.
Open House
We would like to thank all members of our Learning Community who participated in last Saturday’s very successful ‘Open House’ activity.  If you know of any families who are potentially interested in joining the BSCR Learning Community please ask them to contact our Admissions Department directly on admissions@bscr.ed.cr
English Public speaking competition (Primary and Secondary)
On Thursday, September 19th we will have the annual English Public Speaking Competition in the Auditorium. 

  • The Primary Competition will take place from 10:15 am to 11:50 am.
  • The Secondary Competition will take place from 1:10 pm to 2:30 pm 

The students who will participate in this competition were selected as the best in their classrooms and freely chose the topics for their speech.  We would like to celebrate these students’ skills by inviting parents and friends to come and support them during this competition.
Primary Assembly
On Monday of this week our Year 3 students treated our Primary School to a presentation that not only explored the topic of children’s rights but also shared with the student body, through the medium of song, some of the things that they had been learning in their recent topic about volcanoes.  Congratulations to all of Year 3 – Photo  / Photo
Year 5 Visit to the National Theatre
Year 5 students visited The National Theater on Wednesday, they enjoyed Teatro al Mediodía. They had a wonderful experience where they listened and observed a wonderful Calypso Music presentation followed by a guided visit to the National Theater’s Foyer where they observed its architectural design and listened to its history.
Primary Talent Show
We would like to congratulate all of our performers from last Friday’s wonderful talent show – please see our social media pages for pictures.  In addition, we would like to thank Teacher Carlos, our Year 5 ‘staff and all other staff members whose hard work made this such a successful event.
Celebrating Independence Month at the San Pedro Claver Home
Year 5A students, as part of their Service Learning project, were in charge of inaugurating Independence Month at the San Pedro Claver Home this week. During their visit, they carried out different activities, shared a typical snack, typical dances and a lottery game about national symbols, designed by themselves. The seniors enjoyed the celebration very much, and both they and the staff of the home were grateful for the opportunity to experience the national festivities in such a special way. This Service Learning project allowed our students to connect with this senior community and bring joy to many people.
BSCR Model United Nations
Following on from last week’s bulletin message about the Model United Nations, we would like to share that Francisco Gutierrez (Year 8) also received a verbal mention for his performance throughout the conference.  Many congratulations to Francisco.
Year 11 National Baccalaureate “NB Talks”
On Friday, September 20th, from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm the Year 11 NB students will deliver what has become an annual tradition in the English Department: the NB Talks. This is a public speaking experience in which our students choose a topic they are passionate about and prepare a speech in the TED Talk format. Not only do students learn a lot about public speaking, but also get to teach us about something that they consider is relevant nowadays, which then becomes their legacy as graduating students.  Parents and relatives are welcome to join us in the Auditorium for this event. For those who cannot attend, we will record each of the speeches and publish them on our website
Science Fair
On Wednesday of this week our Year 6, Year 7 and Year 8 students presented their science research projects in our annual Science Fair.  We would like to congratulate each of our students on creating such interesting and engaging projects and thank all members of our community who took the time to visit the fairs.  We also extend our thanks to our Science Department for all of their work in preparing our students for this activity.
SAT (for Year 11 and 12 students)
The next SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) will take place on Saturday, October 5th, 2024, at the school. The registration deadline is Friday, September 20th. The test fee is $103, payable online. For more information on 2024 test dates and deadlines, please visit the International SAT Dates.  The SAT is now digital and students are allowed to use their own computers or tablets. For practice and preparation resources, please visit the SAT Practice and Preparation Information.  The SAT is a standardized test administered by The College Board. Many universities worldwide, particularly in the United States, consider it either a requirement or an optional part of the application process.
We recommend that students registering for the first time schedule a meeting with Ana Lourdes Baumgartner, University Counselor, to complete the registration process.  If your student is applying for Early Decision or Early Action to U.S. universities for the 2024-2025 school year, please verify whether the October exam will be the last one accepted for the early application cycle.  If you have any questions, please contact Ana Lourdes at abaumgartner@bscr.ed.cr.
PSAT 2024 – For Year 10 and Year 11 students only
The PSAT/NMSQT is the digital pre-SAT exam or practice test for the SAT; a test widely used for university admissions in the USA and other countries. The test measures knowledge and skills in reading, writing and maths that students learn in the classroom and which they need to succeed in college and a career.   The exam will be on Saturday, October 26 at 7:45am at the school Auditorium. The deadline to register is Friday, October 11th. The cost of the exam is 22,000 colones. To register your student there are two payment options:
1- Sinpe: 8782-2796 The British School of Costa Rica
2- Wire Transfer (Transferencia Bancaria):

Céd 3-101-047574
Cta Iban Colones:  CR32010400000118030119
Banco Davivienda
The wire transfer or SINPE payment should include the name of the student and PSAT in the payment detail. A copy of the wire transfer or SINPE should be sent to smadriz@bscr.ed.cr. If this information is not received, the payment cannot be processed.  If you have any questions, please contact Ana Lourdes Baumgartner at abaumgartner@bscr.ed.cr at 2220-0131 ext.171