Upcoming Dates

 Friday 20th of September: BSCR NB Talks – Auditorium, 10:30am
 Friday 20th of September: Last day of Quarter 3 (Non-uniform Day)
 Monday 30th of September: First day of Quarter 4
 Monday 30th of September: First day of final IGCSE Examinations   (Year 10  students)
 Tuesday 1st October: EY3 Visit to the National Theatre
 Wednesday 2nd October: EY and Primary Parent-Teacher Meetings
 Thursday 3rd October: Y11 and Y12 University Fair, Lincoln   School –  10:10am to 13:10pm

Mid-Semester Break
We would like to wish all members of our Learning Community a happy, healthy and enjoyable break from classes next week and we look forward to welcoming all students back to campus on Monday the 30th of September.
Preventing the Spread of Respiratory Illnesses at School
We are writing to remind you of the importance of preventing the spread of respiratory illnesses, especially during this time of year when viruses are more common.  As you know, the well-being of our students is our top priority. Therefore, we kindly ask that you keep your child home from school if they are exhibiting any symptoms of a respiratory illness, such as fever, cough, sore throat or nasal congestion.  By keeping our sick students at home, we help prevent the virus from spreading to other children and staff.  We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a healthy school environment.
Independence Day Celebrations
Last Friday, September 13th, we celebrated the 203rd anniversary of Costa Rica’s Independence. As is tradition, we celebrated with an Acto Cívico prepared by primary and secondary students and teachers. As with previous years, our students’ creativity, effort, and enthusiasm, coupled with the motivation, poetry, songs, and a wide variety of dances, delighted the audience and served as a reminder of the importance of this national celebration. Additionally, at midday, all generations organized a typical lunch featuring traditional dishes from each of Costa Rica’s provinces, which they enjoyed alongside a cimarrona playing in the hallways.  We would like to thank all the students, parents, and staff who collaborated to make this event a resounding success.
Public Speaking Competition
We would like to congratulate all participants from both the Primary and Secondary school who participated in Thursday’s public speaking competition.  Entrants spoke with confidence and clarity about a wide range of interesting and engaging topics, making the whole competition a truly enjoyable event for everybody who was fortunate enough to attend.
National Motocross Championship
Congratulations to Mariano Rodriguez (Year 2) on finishing in first place in two separate races in the 4th round of the National Motocross Championship.  This ensures that Mariano is in first place in the overall table. Photo / Photo
Year 4 Exit Point
On Monday of this week our Year 4 students, in their Exit Point activity with parents, presented their recent learning about islands, in particular the different challenges they face due to pollution, climate change and population. The students created their own islands which they presented to parents along with an interactive quiz. Photo / Photo / Photo
Year 1 Exit Point
This week, our Year 1 students had an exciting Exit Point activity—a simulated trip to London! The children explored famous landmarks like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye through fun, interactive experiences. Parents and students “travelled” across the city, learning about its history and culture, making this a memorable way to wrap up their unit. Photo / Photo / Photo / Photo / Photo
Wildlife Conservation Awareness Project 
Year 3 students, have, in recent weeks, been undertaking an inspiring Service Learning project aimed at raising awareness of the dangers faced by wild animals in Costa Rica and encouraging actions to protect them, in collaboration with the Costa Rica Animal Rescue Centre Foundation. Over several weeks, the students organized themselves to raise funds through various initiatives, which not only allowed them to obtain resources for this cause but also to raise awareness among others about the importance of protecting wild animals.  As part of the project, they made a visit to the rescue centre, where the students had the opportunity to deliver the important donation they had raised and learn first-hand about the work that this organization does, as well as the stories of the rescued animals. We would like to thank all Year 3 students and their families for their impressive support and commitment to protecting the environment and wildlife. Photo / Photo
Year 1 Assembly
Our Year 1 students recently held an engaging assembly for our Primary students entitled “Trip to London.” During the presentation, they showcased their exploration of London’s iconic landmarks and shared interesting facts about the city. The highlight of the event was their lively performance of Elton John and Kiki Dee’s classic hit, “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart,” which added a fun and memorable touch to their informative presentation. Photo
EY and Primary Parent-Teacher Meetings
To facilitate the EY and Primary Parent-Teacher meetings on Wednesday the 2nd of October, classes for all Early Years and Primary Students will end at 12 noon on this day.  This means that there will also be no clubs for Early Years and Primary students on this afternoon.  Classes and clubs for Secondary students will continue as normal.
Year 8 Basketball
Congratulations to Francisco Gutiérrez (Year 8) on his participation in the Guatemalan National Sports Games.  Francisco’s team, Basketball Escoba de Escazú, were named Champion of Champions in the Under 14 Category.  Photo
PSAT 2024 – For Year 10 and Year 11 students only
The PSAT/NMSQT is the digital pre-SAT exam or practice test for the SAT; a test widely used for university admissions in the USA and other countries. The test measures knowledge and skills in reading, writing and maths that students learn in the classroom and which they need to succeed in college and a career.   The exam will be on Saturday, October 26 at 7:45am at the school Auditorium. The deadline to register is Friday, October 11th. The cost of the exam is 22,000 colones. To register your student there are two payment options:
1- Sinpe 8782-2796 The British School of Costa Rica
2- Wire Transfer (Transferencia Bancaria):
Céd 3-101-047574
Cta Iban Colones:  CR32010400000118030119
Banco Davivienda
The wire transfer or SINPE payment should include the name of the student and PSAT in the payment detail. A copy of the wire transfer or SINPE should be sent to smadriz@bscr.ed.cr. If this information is not received, the payment cannot be processed.  If you have any questions please contact Ana Lourdes Baumgartner at abaumgartner@bscr.ed.cr at 2220-0131 ext.171
IGCSE Examinations
We would like to wish each of our year 10 students the very best of luck as they commence their final, external IGCSE examinations on Monday the 30th of September. 
SDS Support – Vaping
The SDS department would like to share some recommendations to help encourage healthy habits and prevent vaping use in adolescents: 

  • Encourage students to use debit cards instead of giving them cash: This can help young people have better control over their spending and helps parents better monitor the products their children buy.
  • Monitor delivery purchases, especially with some companies that do not request identification from the consumer.
  • Check their bedroom regularly: this will let parents know what their children keep in their personal spaces.
  • Teach them to assertively communicate their points of view to their friends, such as: “No thanks; I don’t smoke or vape.”
  • Seek the support of professionals inside and/or outside of school for advice on managing these issues at home whenever deemed necessary.