Upcoming Dates
Friday 7th March: | Y5/Y6 Boy’s Football V Country Day School |
Friday 7th March: | Secondary Student Council debate |
Monday 10th March: | International Women’s Day Assembly (Primary) |
Tuesday 11th March: | Start of Student Council elections |
Calendar Changes
Please find attached our overview calendar for the 2025 year – 2025 School Calendar. Please note that we have moved the staff training day from Monday the 12th of May to Monday the 19th of May due to logistics surrounding our Health Week activities. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this change.
International Fair
We are delighted to share that this year’s International Fair raised c4,934,390 which will now be used to support our students’ service-learning projects. Thank you once again to all members of our Community for their participation and support of this event.
Early Years and Primary
SDS (Student Development Services)
During the course of the Staff Training Day last Friday, members of SDS led a series of workshops for our Primary teaching and support staff. These sessions were focused on the following areas: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMH). We are confident that these types of on-going professional development opportunities will further equip our staff to help support a wide range of needs within the classroom setting and promote High Quality Learning. Photo / Photo / Photo
Arthur the Therapy Dog
Last week we were delighted to welcome back Arthur the Therapy Dog. Arthur is well known to the students in Primary following many visits to the school with his owner, Teacher Lucia (3B), during the course of last academic year. Over the coming weeks and months, Arthur will continue to work closely with a group of students who will benefit from Arthur supporting them academically with their reading, as well as emotionally. Arthur even joined us for the Primary Assembly on Monday morning! Photo
Primary Leadership Assembly
On Monday we celebrated a very special Primary Assembly in which student leaders in the following positions were formally announced and recognised with the presentation of badges / pins in front of their peers:
- House Captains & Vice Captains
- Student Council Representatives
- Digital Leaders
- Health & Safety Representatives
Developing student agency through leadership opportunities (whilst reinforcing the school value of Responsibility) is a key focal point in Primary and we are very proud of the contributions, suggestions and actions these various groups will make throughout the course of this academic year. Presentation
Art Museum visit
On Wednesday 26th February 2025 SYear 10 IGCSE Art students, Year 11NB and Year 11 and 12IB Visual Arts students all attended a whole day tour of three Art exhibitions around San Jose. First stop was to visit the National Gallery at the Museo de Niños where the students visually explored a diverse range of Costa Rican artists including the wonderful sculptures of Deredia. The next visit was to The Jade Museum to explore the Pre-Columbian artefacts as well as the temporary exhibition ‘Por la Fiesta!’ The final destination was The Museo Costarricense, Sabana where they explored the current exhibition depicting Costa Rican landscapes and the work of the Costa rRcan artist Floria Pinto.
It was an excellent day of first-hand research and sourcing of first-hand evidence. Well done to all the IGCSE, IB and NB students involved in the visit who all produced excellent work and valuable resources for their Visual Arts course work. Photo / Photo / Photo
Bowling Success
Congratulations to Antonio Trejos (Year 10) on qualifying for the Junior Gold Bowling Championship which will be held in Wisconsin, U.S.A. in July.
Country Day School Model United Nations
Last weekend, 12 students from the BSCR Model United Nations Club participated in the Country Day School Model United Nations. The delegation received several recognitions:
Best Delegate: Arturo Latuche (Y10C)
Best Delegate: Verónica Delgado (Y8C)
Honorable Mentions: Cristel Haaversen (Y12) and Stefano D’Arsiè (Y9B)
Verbal Mention: Gabriela Martínez (Y10B), Lucía Rodríguez (Y9A)
and Constanza Donato (Y9C)
We would also like to recognize the valuable participation of Claudia Rosabal (Y7B), Matías Ugalde (Y9C), Francisco Gutiérrez (Y9B), Naima Álvarez (Y7B), and Isabella Galarza (Y9A) for representing us in this enriching experience.
Class Representatives 2025
We are pleased to introduce the students who have taken on the role of class representatives this year. Their commitment will be essential for communication and teamwork within our educational community:
Year 6: Felipe Hidalgo, Isabel Madrigal, and Mariana Calzada
Year 7: José Ignacio Vargas and Antonio San Martín
Year 8: Lucía Madrigal, Arturo Chavarria, and Natalie Lipschitz
Year 9: Daniela Arguedas, Amanda Yutian Song, and Thomas Zawacki
Year 10: Jonathan Junren Chin, Ignacio Solís, and Camila González
Year 11: William Alan, Ignacio Blanco, and Nicolás McCrea
Year 12: Rania Canales, Juan Carlos Ruiz, and Logan Covery
We appreciate their dedication and leadership in representing their classmates and wish them great success in this important role!