Upcoming Dates

  Monday 17th March:  Start of Year 9 Camp
  Friday 21st March:  Table Tennis Tournament – Villa Ecológica, Escazú
  Friday 21st March:  Year 10 Sexuality Presentation with Marianella Arias and        Laura León
  Monday 24th March:  Start of Year 11NB MEP Diagnostic Tests
  Tuesday 25th March:  Start of Year 6 MEP Diagnostic Tests
  Saturday 29th March:  Start of the BSCR Sports Festival

School Values
As a School that is committed to providing our students with a values-driven education, we would like to remind all members of our Learning Community to please ensure that all community interactions both support and are characterised by our School Values.  As a reminder, our defined School Values, which were collaboratively created via input from ten different stakeholder groups in 2018, are: Creativity, Honesty, Independence, Respect and Responsibility.
Emergency Drills
Over the past couple of weeks students and staff from all year levels have been participating in our earthquake and lockdown emergency drills.  These practices of our emergency procedures are extremely important in ensuring that members of our community know what they have to do in the event of a real emergency. 
Parent Portal – Engage
We are pleased to announce that, starting Monday, March 17th, we will launch Engage, our new academic management application. This platform has been designed to optimize access to our students’ academic information and facilitate the management of their educational progress.  The Parent Portal will be the official site where parents of primary and secondary students can quickly and securely view their children’s academic information.
To ensure a successful transition in adopting the platform, we have designed a gradual implementation during the coming week, along with technical support and quick guides for parents to ensure a smooth experience. You can contact us for technical support at the following email address: engagehelp@bscr.ed.cr  The first phase will focus on initial access to the platform, ensuring that parents can access and gradually become familiar with the Parent Portal without any issues.
We have enabled the following access release schedule:

  Monday, March 17th:  Parents of Year 1 and Year 6
  Tuesday, March 18th:  Parents of Year 2 and Year 7
  Wednesday, March 19th:  Parents of Year 3 and Year 8
  Thursday, March 20th:  Parents of Year 4 and Year 9
  Friday, March 21st:   Parents of Year 5 and Year 10
  Monday, March 24th:  Parents of Year 11 and Year 12

Our goal is to provide a digital environment that facilitates access to information and enhances the experience of our educational community, while always maintaining our commitment to academic excellence.
Early Years and Primary
International Women’s Day Assembly
Our students of Year 3B celebrated International Women’s Day by highlighting inspiring female leaders from around the world who have made a significant impact in our weekly assembly in Primary. Photo / Photo
Squash Champion
Congratulations to Tomas Cordero Ibarra (Year 6) on winning the Junior category of the 1st National Squash tournament, held on March 7th. Photo
Swimming Success
Congratulations to Matias Castro on finishing 2nd in the Middle-Distance Category of the Male Juvenile race in the 2025 Open Waters Circuit. Photo
Mobile Phone Management Update
As we shared at the beginning of this year, we are currently trialing a new procedure where students are required to keep their mobile phones in their lockers throughout the day, unless they have been given express permission by a teacher for a particular learning activity.  The main reasons for implementing this procedure are to remove a barrier to learning while also promoting better social integration.  To support us in this endeavour we would like to remind all students of this requirement and also ask parents to please not contact students during the school day, via their mobile phones, unless it is a genuine emergency. 
Congratulations to Our Outstanding Alumni!
We are incredibly proud to share that Lucía Ocampo, Matías Gazel, and Gabriel Sandoval have been awarded the prestigious Beca al Talento Académico from Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey. This highly competitive scholarship recognizes their exceptional academic performance during their time at The British School of Costa Rica. Their achievements were recognized in an exciting virtual ceremony for Latin America, held on Monday, March 10th. We celebrate their success and wish them continued growth in this exciting new chapter!