Upcoming Dates

 Monday 24th March: Central American College Tour, Lincoln School   (Y11 IB and Y12 students only)
 Monday 24th March: Start of Year 11 NB MEP Diagnostic Tests
 Tuesday 25th March: Start of Year 6 MEP Diagnostic Tests
 Friday 28th March: Year 4 Exit Point, 8am
 Saturday 29th March: Start of BSCR Sports Festival
 Wednesday 2nd April: Year 3 Exit Point, 8:15am
 Friday 4th April: Year 2 Exit Point, 11:00am
 Friday 4th April: Last day of 1st Quarter
 Monday 21st April: First day of 2nd Quarter

Book Week
Looking ahead to Quarter 2, Early Years, Primary and Secondary sections of the school will be celebrating both Book Week and World Book Day, which is officially celebrated on Wednesday 23rd April.  Throughout the week students will get an opportunity to enjoy a range of book-related activities within and across year groups with lots of exciting events planned by the respective libraries in the school.  Please note that on Friday 25th April all children are encouraged to come dressed in the costume of their favourite book character (and bring a copy of the book if they have it!). We will hold costume parades, photo sessions and special assemblies on that day. This is not a dress down day so if your child cannot come dressed as a book character, please ensure they come dressed in their school uniform as normal.
Access to the Engage Platform
We are pleased to share that nearly 300 families have accessed the Engage platform this week. On this platform, you will be able to access your children’s report cards and other important resources. If you have not been able to connect yet or need additional information, please contact engagehelp@bscr.ed.cr, where our team will be available to assist you in ensuring your access.
Ice Machine
We are pleased to announce that our departing Student Council, ULU, fulfilled one of their most anticipated political promises: the acquisition of an ice machine. This is a step forward in improving the well-being of all members of our community.  Thank you to ULU members for their work in achieving this objective and for all of their work over the last 12 months:

  • President:                          Camila Vazquéz
  • Vice President:                  Leonardo Jiménez
  • Treasurer:                          Juan Pablo Pérez
  • Secretary:                          Ming Fa Zheng
  • Vocal:                                Sofía Cordero

 Early Years and Primary
Year 3 Racquetball Success.
Alejandro Brenes and Felipe Nanne participated in the Racquetball President’s Cup, at the Costa Rica Country Club at the weekend and both reached the final with Alejandro gaining 1st place and Felipe 2nd place. Congratulations to both of them! Photo
Book Week in EY and Primary
As part of our Book Week activities, the Primary Library would like to invite you to join us for our Photography Contest. This year the topic of the contest is Reading together”. You can send your printed photo to the Primary Library or by email to: abarrantes@bscr.ed.cr until April 23rd. We will make a mural with all entries and then, we will vote to choose our 3 favorite photos using the following categories: most creative, funniest and the one which best exemplifies the topic of ‘reading together’.
Assembly – Batalla de Santa Rosa
Last Monday, Year 5 students creatively portrayed the historical events related to the Batalla de Santa Rosa and the Campaña Nacional de 1856. The presentation was very varied and included the dramatization of the events, poetry written by the children, and a beautiful dance of the Patriótica costarricense. Everyone demonstrated the value of Responsibility, ensuring the assembly was a success. Photo Photo / Photo
Lincoln School Model United Nations
Last weekend, seven students from the BSCR Model United Nations Club participated in the Lincoln School Model United Nations. The delegation received several recognitions:
Best Delegate: Verónica Delgado (Y8C)
Verbal Mention: Gabriela Martínez (Y10B), Arturo Latuche (Y10C), Sofía Cordero (Y8A), Judy Wu (Y8C) and Sara Dokani (Y8B)
We would also like to recognize the valuable participation of Paulina van Grieken (Y9B) for representing us in this enriching experience.
New Student Council – SCUBA
We are pleased to introduce the new Student Council, who will represent and work for the benefit of all students during the next 12 months:
President:           Nina Kierszenson (Year 11D)
Vice President:   Felipe Casafont (Year 10A)
Secretary:           Alberto González (Year 8A)
Treasurer:           Maripaz Asís (Year 12A)
Representative:  Isabel Obón (Year 7B)
This team is committed to driving new initiatives and strengthening the school environment. We wish them great success in this new chapter!
University Admissions of our 2024 Graduates
As admissions decisions from universities have reached or are reaching our recently graduated students, we would like to congratulate them on the excellent acceptances and offers to national and international universities. Our 2024 graduates have been admitted to the following universities:

USA: MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Notre Dame University, New York University, University of Florida, Purdue University, Fordham University, University of Rochester, University of Miami, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Pennsylvania State University, Southern Methodist University, American University, University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of Texas at Austin, Kenyon College, St. Edward’s University, Syracuse University, University of Kansas, Drexel University, University of Kentucky, Florida State University, University of Colorado Boulder, Columbia College Chicago, Emerson College, University of Kansas, Florida Institute of Technology, University of Connecticut, Florida International University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Quinnipiac University, The New School, State University of New York at Geneseo, Illinois College, St. Olaf College, Adelphi University, Ohio Wesleyan University
Canada: University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, Huron at Western University, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Mexico: Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey
United Kingdom: University of Exeter, University of Leicester, Bristol University, University of St. Andrews, Bournemouth University, City, University of London, Cardiff University, Lancaster University, SOAS University of London, University of the West of England
Europe: Universidad de Navarra, CEU San Pablo, Universidad de Nebrija, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Bocconi University, LUISS University, University of Amsterdam, University of Groningen, Webster University Geneva, Franklin University Switzerland
Asia: Tsinghua University
Costa Rica: Universidad de Costa Rica, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Universidad Nacional, UCIMED, ULACIT, Universidad Escuela Libre de Derecho, VÉRITAS, Texas Tech.

This impressive list reflects the hard work, talent, and dedication our students have shown throughout their academic journey.  Congratulations to all our graduates — we are incredibly proud of you and excited to see the bright future that lies ahead!  We will continue to keep you posted as new decisions arrive.