Upcoming Dates

 Monday 4th March Year 6 Presentation from “Fútbol por mi país”
 Thursday 7th March Year 3 Trip to Braulio Carrillo National Park
 Saturday 9th March International Fair

Soccer Shirt Day
On Monday the 4th of March, students and staff in all year levels are invited to come to School dressed in their favourite football shirt in exchange for a donation of ¢500.  This activity, which has been organised by our Year 10 Global Perspective students, has the objective of raising funds to buy football boots which will then be donated to the Fútbol por mi país foundation (students may also donate football boots if they wish).  Students who do not wish to participate in this initiative should come in their regular school uniform on Monday.
Professional Development Day
Thank you to all staff members for their active participation in last Friday’s Professional Development Day.  The day started with a collaboration activity with staff members interacting with other staff members from the different sections of the school.  After which there were a number of professional development workshops aimed at the professional development of our teaching faculty.  These included exploring new educational software options, reflecting on a range of different teaching and learning strategies and discussing different ways in which we can best meet the needs of our students.
Parent Council Meetings
Thank you to all Parent Representatives who participated in this week’s Parent Council meetings. The minutes from each of the meetings will be provided in next week’s bulletin.
Clubs with available spaces

Please click on the link below to see the list of clubs with available spaces – List of clubs. If you wish to register, please contact us at clubs@bscr.ed.cr
Representative teams
During this week, the BSCR had student representation in sports such as Primary athletics, boys’ football Y6-Y7, girls’ football Y6-Y9, boys’ football Y10-Y12, girls’ football Y10-Y12, girls’ basketball Y6-Y8, boys’ basketball Y7-Y9, highlighting Tiago Nuñez Y5A who obtained the second place in his category, as well as the experience and reactivation of the different Secondary representative teams.
Please see below the photos of the different delegations:
Delegación Atletismo / Medalla 2do lugar Tiago Nuñez Y5A / Fútbol Y6-Y7 masculino / Fútbol Y6-Y9 femenino / Fútbol Y10-Y12 masculino / Fútbol Y10-Y12 femenino / Baloncesto femenino

International Fair
Click here – CULTURAL PROGRAMME – to see the proposed cultural programme for the forthcoming International Fair.

Suspension of clubs due to the International Fair
Please note that, due to preparations for the International Fair, and in order to ensure the safety of our students, the following clubs are suspended on the following dates:
Thursday 7th of March
– Women’s Football Y6-Y12 / 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Friday 8th of March
– Men’s Football Y10-Y12 / 6:00 am to 7:30 am
– Boys’ Football Y4-Y5 / 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
– Girls’ Football Y4-Y5 / 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Monday 11th of March
– Girls’ Football Y6-Y12 / 6:00 am to 7:30 am
Club Updates
The Extracurricular Activities department is working on bi-monthly updates for each club by sending photos and videos, specific summaries and invitations to games/matches in the case of sports clubs.  Once the platform is updated we will share it with the entire BSCR learning community.  If you have any questions related to clubs, please do not hesitate to contact us: clubs@bscr.ed.cr

Student Leadership in Primary
Leadership comes in many forms. During our Primary Assembly on Monday it was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate further leadership opportunities which aligns with one of our core values – Responsibility. In addition to the elected House Captain and Deputy House Captains, from last week, we were able to celebrate those chosen to form part of the Primary Student Council.  Please click on the following link to view the Student Council and Class Representatives for 2024.  In addition, please see a range of photos showing our Year 5 House Captains and their Deputies: Arenal 1 / Arenal 2Barva 1 / Barva 2,  Irazu 1 / Irazu 2Poas 1 / Poas 2
Teamwork Activity
All Year 4 classes gathered excitedly in the Auditorium on Monday afternoon to receive two very special guests. Andrés Arias (Technical Director) and Josué Martínez (Costa Rican Professional Footballer) from “Escorpiones de Belén” came to speak to the students about what attributes and values are needed to form a successful team. A presentation and an opportunity to ask many questions provided our students with a wonderful opportunity to learn more about TEAMS which is the unit currently being covered in Physical, Social, and Health Education (P.S.H.E). Photo 1 / Photo 2
Black Belt in Kyokushinkaikan Karate (IKO)
Congratulations to Camilo Espinoza on being awarded the IKO Kyokushinkaikan black belt.  Camilo has trained at Kyokushin Karate since the age of 3 with Sensei Erick Goldberg. Photo 1 / Photo 2
Tennis Champion

Congratulations to Alberto Mora (Year 10) on being named national champion in the U18 double category of the II Tournament of the Costa Rican Tennis Foundation – Link
Theory of Knowledge discussion
On Monday 26th of February, Year 12 students took part in a discussion with Professor Carlos Alfaro, lecturer in Mathematics and researcher at the Institute of Psychological Research at the University of Costa Rica. This type of activity aims to encourage analysis and reflection on the production and acquisition of knowledge in subjects such as mathematics.
Lead University Visit
Last Wednesday, February 28th, the group of secondary Mentors attended a leadership workshop at Lead University, located in Torre Universal, Sabana Sur. During the 3-hour workshop the students, along with the high school psychologist, actively participated in a series of activities designed to understand the importance of being a good leader and creating positive change processes in others.