Upcoming Dates

 Saturday 11th May Start of Humboldt MUN
 Wednesday 15th May Year 11NB Field Trip to San José
 Monday 20th May Start of the BSCR Sports Festival


Kangaroo Maths
We are very proud of the wonderful accomplishments of our Kangaroo International Mathematics Competition national medal winners for 2024.  Well done to all who competed!

Bronze Medal:
Fabio Amador (Year 4), Isabel Madrigal (Year 5), Judy Wu Wu (Year 7), Emiliano Robalino (Year 8)
Silver Medal: 
Pilar Zamora (Year 5), Naima Álvarez (Year 6), Kevin Brown (Year 7), Leonardo Jiménez (Year 11), Roberto Zúñiga (Year 11), Cristal Haaversen (Year 11), Isabella D’Arsie (Year 11)
Gold Medal:   
Alessandro D’Arsie (Year 5)

Admissions 2025
We are happy to inform you that we will be starting the Early Years admissions process for the 2025 academic year soon. Those interested can contact the Admissions department via WhatsApp 8461-7965 or email admissions@bscr.ed.cr for more information.  Parents who have already completed the respective admission form will be contacted in the next few days to schedule their child’s assessment/observation appointment.


Kindness Campaign
As part of the campaign of kindness, respect and responsibility that we are developing with the students during this quarter in the school, SDS would like to share with you some strategies that you can implement at home to promote these values in our children.  It has been proven that when we work together at home and at school, the results are not only more visible, but also quicker and more sustained over time.  This part of our campaign is focused on Kindness. – Strategies

IPC Workshop
Primary school parents (Year 1 to Year 5) are invited to join Teacher Sarah and Teacher Gaby for an in-person International Primary Curriculum workshop on Friday 24th of May 8:15 am – 9:15 am. The IPC is an interdisciplinary programme we use to teach history, geography, science, technology, international mindedness and much more. You will learn what the IPC is and how your child learns in the British School of Costa Rica. Please join us for a presentation, short hands-on activity and Q&A session. Flyer

High Quality Learning
Two of the key areas for focus in our school Strategic Plan relate to Personalised Learning and Developing Professionals. As part of our on-going commitment to these two areas, all Early Years and Primary school staff last night took part in an interactive and engaging session where they were able to reflect upon what constitutes high quality learning and what this looks like at a classroom level here at the British School. Photo 1 / Photo 2


Penal Law Presentation
On Monday 6th of May we had a visit from the specialist judge in Juvenile Criminal Law, Marianela Corrales Pampillo, who was talking to Year 6 students about the rights and duties they acquire when they turn 12. The judge also addressed issues related to what the word ‘crime’ means and how these cases are dealt with when minors are involved, as well as issues related to bullying, cyber bullying, physical aggression and theft, among others. The Year 6 students were very interested and participated actively. We thank Ms. Marianela for her availability and hope to have her back again this year to address issues with senior students.

SAT Exams (Year 11 and Year 12 students only)
The next SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) of this year will be on Saturday 1st of June at the school. The registration deadline is Thursday 16th of May.  The test costs $103 and should be paid online.  2024 test dates and deadlines are listed in the following link: International SAT Dates. The test is now digital and students can use their own computers and I-pads.  Please click on the following link for practice and preparation information –  SAT Practice and Preparation Information.  We recommend that students who register for the first time to take this test, coordinate a meeting with Ana Lourdes Baumgartner, University Counsellor to complete the registration procedure.

The SAT is a standardized test, administered by The College Board, that many universities around the world, but especially in the United States, take into consideration as either a requirement or as an optional part of the university application process. Should you have any question please contact Ana Lourdes at abaumgartner@bscr.ed.cr.