Upcoming Dates

 Monday 29th April Year 11 IB Estudios Sociales trip to San José
 Wednesday 1st May School closed – National Holiday (Labour Day)
 Thursday 2nd May Early Years 3 trip to the Butterfly Kingdom (8:30 am to   11:15 am)
 Saturday 4th May SAT Exams (7:30 am to 12:00 pm)

35th Gran Classic Race
Our annual Gran Classic race will take place on Saturday the 18th of May, to kick off our Sports Festival.  The deadline for registering in the race is Friday the 26th of April at 3:00 pm.  Registrations can be made through the following link – Inscriptions.  More details about this race were sent to parents via email this week.
A few years ago, a parent upon collecting a child at the end of the school day, parked and abandoned a vehicle across the entrance gate of a house in the road leading out from the West Gate (Avenida 33).  Unfortunately, the neighbour returned to find the entrance to his house blocked.  As a protest, he parked his car in the middle of the road and left it there.  For the next 15 to 20 minutes the school was in total “gridlock” with two lanes of traffic occupying the East entrance road and the West exit road blocked.  The potential entrance for emergency vehicles – police, firetrucks or ambulance was thereby rendered totally impossible.  This same situation could be repeated under the same or similar circumstances e.g. a collision of vehicles in that same road.
This why we constantly request parents to not park and abandon their vehicles in the road (Avenida 33) to the West of the school gates … a road which must remain open as an EXIT from the school at the end of the school day.
Soda Contact Details
If any member of our Learning Community would like more details about Willy’s Bake (the School Soda), or how to pre-order meals, you can either visit their Facebook page or contact them directly on either britishcafeteria@gmail.com or via WhatsApp: 8764-4536.
Book Donations
Thank you to all members of our community who donated books this week to our ‘Book Drive’ initiative.  These books will now be donated to the “Compartí tus libros leídos” project created by the University of Costa Rica.
Save the Date Calendar
Please click on the following link to access an updated version of our save the date calendar.  Updates have been made to the dates of our Sports Festival as well as our Secondary Exam schedules.  Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions.
Book Week – Story-telling
Thank you to all parents and grandparents who came into School this week to read a story as part of our Book Week Celebrations.  Please check our Facebook and Instagram accounts for pictures of the various activities this week including Friday’s character dress up day.
House Competition in Primary
The semi-finals of the Primary Kickball tournament for students (Y3-Y5) took place this week with Barva and Arenal proving victorious. The two losing semi-finalists will meet in the 3rd place play-off next Tuesday with the final between Barva and Arenal due to be held on Friday 3rd May where there will be lots of House Points up for grabs! Photo 1 / Photo 2
Book Week
On Tuesday of this week our Secondary School celebrated Book Week with a number of activities aimed at promoting reading.  Activities included two wonderful cultural kiosks from our graduating students, a range of student performances in English, Spanish and French, a range of impressive character costumes, a book exchange and a creative writing competition.  Thank you to all participating students and our English, Spanish and French Departments for all of their hard work in organising these activities.
Olimpiada Costarricense de Astronomía y Astronáutica (OCAA)
On Saturday April 20th, five of our students participated at the Costa Rican Astronomy and Astronautics Olympiad (OCAA), organized by the Technological University of Costa Rica. The notable participations from Gabriela Martínez (Y9), Lucía Herrero (Y9), Walter Dittel (Y9), Santiago Calvo (Y10) and Leonardo Jiménez (Y11) are now being evaluated to see if they qualify for the national finals.
Future We Want Model United Nations New York
During the first week of this bimester, three of our students traveled to New York to participate in the Future We Want Model United Nations, the world’s largest MUN conference. Their preparation process took them to a leadership training with the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, and argumentation workshops with The Global MUN. Congratulations to Lina Laurencich (Y12) on her best delegate award, Gabriela Martínez (Y9) on her remarkable debate outcomes and Leonardo Jiménez (Y11) on his collaboration as Head MUN Coach for the teams of Costa Rica, Colombia and El Salvador.