Upcoming Dates

 Tuesday 28th May  Year 12 MEP Examination – Cívica
 Wednesday 29th May  Year 12 MEP Examination – Estudios  Sociales
 Thursday 30th May  Year 4 visit to the Jade Museum (9:00 am  to   1:00 pm)
 Friday 31st May   Day 1 – Preparation Camp for Minnesota
 Saturday 1st June   Day 2 – Preparation Camp for Minnesota

Sports Festival
We would like to thank all members of our Community for their active participation in this week’s Sports Festival.  We would particularly like to thank the PE Department, our Clubs Team and all the Administrative staff who worked extremely hard to make this such a successful week.
International Fair
We are delighted to share that this year’s International Fair made a profit of ₡ 2,697,000.  This money will now be used to support the service learning projects of our students.  We would like to thank all members of our community for their contributions to our International Fair initiative.
Calendar Changes
Following the decision of Costa Rican legislators to change the date of two national holidays in the second semester, we are writing to provide formal confirmation of these changes to our calendar:
– The ‘Anexion del Partido de Nicoya’ national holiday will now be celebrated on Thursday the 25th of July rather than on Monday the 29th of July, as was originally published on our annual calendar
– The Mother’s Day national holiday will now be celebrated on Thursday the 15th of August rather than on Monday the 19th of August, as was originally published on our annual calendar
This means that Monday the 29th of July and Monday the 19th of August will now be regular school days.  We apologize for any inconveniences caused due to these required changes to our calendar … changes that were imposed upon us.
Year 5 Girls’ Bake Sale
On Friday 31st May at Primary and Secondary Lunch times, Year 5 girls will be holding a Bake Sale. All products on sale will be ₡ 500 each (cash only) with all proceeds being given to the Children’s Hospital. Please encourage your children to come and buy some tasty treats for a great cause!
Year 8 plays – Theater of the Weird
The English Department is very excited to invite parents and students to its annual Year 8 drama festival called “Theater of the Weird”. The students will present adaptations from short stories and TV show episodes that deal with very unusual situations.   The festival will take place on Wednesday 29th of May, from 8:10 am to 12:00 pm. There will be a public general rehearsal between 8:10 am – 10:10 am, open to the public, and the final performances, from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm.  We hope you can join us.
Sexuality and affectivity workshop
Last week, Year 8 and Year 10 students were given a talk on sexuality and affectivity by psychologist and sexologist Marianela Arias. The students had the opportunity to learn more about this topic and to clarify many doubts. This activity is an initiative of the SDS Department as a follow up to the talks on puberty given in Year 5, and has become a very valuable tool to guide students regarding their sexuality with serious and age appropriate information. We thank Dr. Marianela Arias for her input and willingness.
Integrative Wellness Project
Year 6, Year 7 and Year 8 students participated in the ‘Integrative Wellness Project’ workshops during this week, which were led by professionals Carlos Vicente, Andrés Segura and Mónica Alvarado, who addressed issues of holistic health, communication, resilience, gratitude and physical activity. We believe that these activities are of great benefit to the integral development of our students, as they allow them to reflect on issues that tend to be ignored during adolescence. We thank this wonderful team who accompanied us for three days and we look forward to having them next semester with a workshop for parents. Photo 1 / Photo 2